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    27 June 2008


    Again, I uploaded the music video of BM Boys. Almost half of the surfers that visited my blog were here due to the search results of 'BM Boys' (山脚下男孩).

    This song wasn't as popular as the 2 MVs uploaded before. However, it was one of my favourites. Reason? The chorus speaks it all!


    Although there are a variety of fine cuisines out there
    It's nothing like the food back at home
    Having been through ups & downs
    Only then I realise that my true love is at home

    20 June 2008




    现在在Dao的宿舍,等着时间到,然后被送去Lao Cai。闲着没事做,就借用那里的电脑上网。这里的线路不太好,很多网站都上不去。只是把照片拷贝多一分去手机的记忆卡。




    到了Lao Cai,才不过3点半而已。因此,就暂时在迟点吃晚餐的餐厅“斋坐”。






    折腾了近半天的时间,终于从Lao Cai长途跋涉到河内国际机场。现在就在候机范围内唯一的餐厅,等着早餐送上桌。

    从Lao Cai回去河内,跟我同房的是来自槟城的一家三口。难得遇见同乡,跟他们寒暄了一会儿,分享彼此的游记。








    Jo - Lu - Zao



    游客 = 水鱼?




    我们先去一个黑苗族村子——Lao Chai。一下车,当然又是一群人一窝蜂地围着我了!幸好这时刚好有另一辆载满白人的旅游车抵达,我周围的蜂群才散去。


    这里的村民比Cat Cat村和Sin Chai村的村民更为大胆、不怕生。有可能是这里的游客比较多的原因吧!一路上,参观了他们的学校、小型医疗诊所、工作坊等等。





    过后,便走到以傣族居多的Ta Van村。这几天,都比较少遇到傣族人。导游说,傣族人比较文明,生活水平也高。他们也较少穿民族服装。或许,这就是为什么我之前比较难感觉到他们的的存在!



    Trekking完了,这意味着整个团的行程也结束。现在在旅行社,等着去吃午餐。过后,才送我去Lao Cai火车站,搭火车回河内。



    16 June 2008


    I've joined the Couchsurfing network not long ago.

    What's this? Emmmm... "CouchSurfing is a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit." That's what written on the website.

    In simple terms, it's a network for travelers to look for free place to stay. At the same time, to get themselves closer to the local community.

    In end of May, I had my first CouchSurfing experience. I hosted a hitchhiker from Czech for 2 nights. Of course, I had a guest room for him and not just a couch. His name's Ota, a retired English teacher.

    You know what? He's just 29yo! Oh man! Don't think I will ever retire before the age of 30.

    I picked him up at the coach terminal area at night and brought him to try the nationwide famous Bean Sprout Chicken. He said it's nice. Good stuff! He too told me how he's in love with Iced Milo, Teh Tarik and Kaya Pau! He had good taste!

    The next day, he spent his time walking in the city centre during the day time. I met up with him again for dinner. We ate at Ipoh Garden Gourmet Square. This guy fell in love with Popiah. He ate like 5 rolls. Crazy!

    After spending another night at my place, he left for Teluk Intan. I sent him to Sam Poh Tong area and he hitchhiked to where he wanted to go. Wish him all the best!

    I had a few very good conversations with him. He went to Iran & India before coming to Malaysia. He was telling me how nice was Iran & how not true all the news about this country. Maybe I should consider of visit to Iran in the future. But not so soon lah!

    Last week, I received 2 couch requests from the couchsurfers. 2 girls from USA are coming in August; a Uruguayan guy & a Scottish guy will be visiting to Ipoh in September. I've replied to them and gave them some suggestions on planning their trips.

    Well, I've at least something to look forward to for the next few months. I won't have to day dream and always think of places to go. Now, I need not be a traveler to meet people. By hosting couchsurfers in this way, it too gives me the opportunities to make friends.

    My Schedule:-
    • June - KL & SG Warwick mates are coming to Ipoh for food hunt
    • July - Going to Cambodia with Craziest friend Roy (& maybe Kenny too)
    • August - Hosting 2 American girls
    • September - Hosting a Uruguayan & a Scottish guy

    12 June 2008



    绕了Cat Cat村一圈,遇到一个Uncle级的骑士,说可以载我去另一个村子——Sin Chai,然后回去酒店。



    黑苗族小孩 1

    黑苗族小孩 2

    Sin Chai村比较少看到旅客,可能时间不早了吧!

    一路上,比Cat Cat村更能看到黑苗族人的作息。我当然也没随意进去他们的屋子。这是多么的没礼貌啊!





    他带我到一间装潢不错的餐厅。我点了越南式炸素春卷当前菜。主食是辣味墨鱼配白饭。再来一杯Pino Colada。味道还算可以,也不挑剔什么了!











    11 June 2008





    早餐后,在Dao的带领下,步行到镇中心的Bac Ha市场。这跟昨天去过的Cancau市场没什么两样。不过,规模就比Cancau大很多。走了几圈,拍点照片后,便离开。

    首站 —— Bac Ha 市场







    一轮舟车劳顿,我离开Bac Ha,抵达沙坝(Sapa)了。一路上,一直都觉得心口闷闷的,似是轻微的“晕车浪”,不是很舒服。同车的一名越南小伙子,也呕了几次。幸好我没被他影响到。


    Sapa比Bac Ha大很多!当然,也比较热闹,人也特别多。







    中午过后,有和Dao道别。回去洗个澡,眠一下。决定启程到Cat Cat村。







    10 June 2008

    Rakyat Pantang Dicabar

    Malaysians are being punished for not voting the ruling party at the 12th General Election.

    With the significant hike in the fuel price, everyone is going to suffer. Inflation. That's what people are afraid of. Without the encouraging growth in productivity for better wealth, what can be done to overwrite the surplus of expenses?

    Change in lifestyle is what we are urged to do. But, with all the questionable government policies, it left us with no choice. So, is the federal government expecting everyone to just work and then stay at home for the rest of the day? Or maybe it's some way to encourage the establishment of Masyarakat Penyayang!

    Our capable PM points out that our neighbouring countries are paying much more for fuels. But at the same time, does he know that their citizens are earning more than us. So, the fuel price only account for a smaller percentage of their income. Moreover, these countries have better public transport system. Is this a fair comparison?

    Well, I believe that most of the Malaysians are pissed of the overspending of the federal government. What happen to all the White Elephants? Are they utilised now or just being useless statues pathetically? All the Malaysians has every rights to know how the country income has been spent.

    Rakyat Pantang Dicabar. People should not be afraid of their government; it’s their government that should be afraid of the people.

    05 June 2008


    我错了!这小镇是有路灯的。刚才只不过是全Bac Ha镇大停电而已。





    舞蹈 1

    舞蹈 2

    舞蹈 3







    04 June 2008


    Bac Ha 街景










    Sao Mai 酒店


    02 June 2008

    Adventurous Weekend Outing (C)

    We planned to wake up at 8am the next morning, then breakfast before heading to water rafting at 9am. But, our plan vanished. Thanks to the Singaporeans!

    I was awaken by the schoolkids. Why couldn't they stop talking? Or at least talked softly? Didn't they know there's a few tired city folks were enjoying their peaceful sleeps? I was, however, able to close my eyes and try to fall asleep again.

    The time when I got fully awake wasn't because of the teenagers anymore, but the teachers. The teachers were giving an early morning 'lectures'!

    Come on! It's bloody 7am! I don't even wake up that early during weekdays. Give me a break! I was pissed! I need sleep!

    "Girls, in pumping position!"
    (Did u have to shout?)

    "We expected someone come to knock at our doors and says, 'Teachers, we're ready for breakfast.'"
    (Since when teachers became 'VIPs'?)
    "I arrived here and saw u guys strolling slowly. We I shouted, u all strolled even more!"
    (The students' hostel was up the slope, strolling was still better than rolling down.)
    "You all are not at a holiday resort, it's a adventurous camp!"
    (F*** Off! I was there for weekend break. This place isn't called a rest house without valid reasons. So wanna give the teacher a big slap in the face!)
    "You all are the student councils. Although that you are not in uniforms or sports wears, you should behave with integrity and blah...."
    (But you, the teachers were putting
    your school in shame!)

    Apparently, the students were punished for being slow, not punctual and not greeting the teachers. Pitied the guys called Soon Kiat (or sounded similarly), being the Head or leader among the group, had to do extra push-ups. Another thing, did they have to count 'loudly' while doing push-ups?

    "Sha-la-la ...... 洗刷刷 洗刷刷 ...... ma------kan" So cheesy! But that's what the students shouted before every meals. Yup, they were allowed to have breakfast after the 'drama'.

    At this time, after being supportive audiences, we went to wash up. The breakfast was ready at the right timing after 'show'. But, it's not even 8am yet!

    Morning breakfast

    It's a 5-stars meal! Roti canai, fried kuey teow with cockles, sausages, fried eggs, fruits, toasts, coffee & tea. We're well fed again! We're so afraid of vomiting during the water rafting! It would be damn embarrassing!

    When we're about to finish the food, some guy approached us. He's Max, one of the guys from Riverbug, the activities operator around this area. He's going to pick us up and send us to the starting point of the water rafting. But, before that, we're asked to fill in the Liability Release Form.

    @ the staring point with guides - Edward & Senz

    We're going to do rafting in 2 inflatable rafts. Led by 2 Kadazandusun hunks - Edward & Senz, who was one of the assistant guides during the night jungle trekking. Then there's safety rescue kayaker, Tats, who was also the photographer.

    Team A - Me-WT-KY-Edward

    Once we put on the safety attires - the head gears and the life buoyancy vests, we're briefed on some safety tips. Like how to hold the paddle properly; how to float safely on the river; how to grab the safety rope and pull our body back to the boat, if unluckily, we're thrown out of the boat.

    The 6 of us

    Sg Kampar is classified as level 1-3. It's the right place for the beginners, like us, and the intermediates to do white water rafting. I guess, the experts might have to head to somewhere else then.

    KL - the paddler

    We followed the instructions given by the guides. Whether it's paddling 'forward' or 'backward'. Water rafting was fun and excitingly awesome! Along the river, at some points there's rapid wave that would challenge our guts; at some area, it's peaceful and we could have some fun playing water or rest.

    My new friends - WT-YW-JA

    We did body rafting too. Basically, it's just let our body float on the river and just had the wave carry us away. Then, tried to grab hold the safety rope thrown out and pulled oneself back to the shore. Staying in the position like sitting on the water and kicking water to avoid the rocks.

    Old Friends - KL-KY-KH

    'The Caterpillar', the group body rafting. Instead of body rafting one by one, now we did it in a line, with the one person holding the shoulder of the person in front. It's cool too! But, when we tried out the 1st time, I was nearly being washed away by the river. Fortunately, I was still able to get myself out of the river.

    Me + New Friends

    At one point, we were asked not to do anything but just sit still in the boat and hold on to the rope attached around the boat tightly. 'Boom, boom' was the signal. That's easy. Nevertheless, all of these was for safety purpose. Here, the probability of being thrown out was the highest among other rapids.

    together with another family & their guide - Max

    The whole journey took roughly 2 hours. Another Riverbug guy was waiting us at the ending point. He then drove all of us back to Adeline's Rest House.

    Lunch... yummy!

    Then, we went to take shower and pack our belongings. Guess what? It's lunch time! It's the last meal we gonna have it at Adeline's. As usual, the meal was delicious.

    Fried Rice + Fried Egg with Belacan

    Before we left, we had a chit-chat session with Adeline. She was telling us how she started the rest house and what's her plan with. All of us had a great time there and just couldn't wait to visit again. I bought a sharp apple green t-shirt as souvenir too.
    On the way back to Ipoh, we planned to visit to Kellie's Castle. Unfortunately, due to the road works going on, we could find the destintion. As a result, we decided to head back home instead.

    Well, I certainly had enjoyable experience there. I never thought that I could ever do water rafting so near to where I stay. I will definitely be back then again soon! Anyone gonna join me? :-)

    • Click here for more pics of this outing.
    • Found one of the Canberra's students' blogging about their camp too.
    • Found a youtube clip with the Riverbug guides enjoying themselves along Sg Kampar:-


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