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    18 July 2008

    The Khmer Way I

    为什么,游客往往都成了被“砍菜头”的目标? 到底是游客都容易受骗?还是游客都是没脑的?真的不希望这会变成一种理所当然的“入境随俗”。大家都要做个精明的旅客!要不然,旅行还有什么意义呢?

    scene of the floating village 1

    scene of the floating village 2

    We are now waiting for our lunch (or brunch, more precisely) to be served at the floating village around Tonle Sap. I think we are going to pay a slightly higher price for this meal. Too bad, we are trapped in the tourist spot.

    Hopefully, it's gonna be a delicious meal. This place is supposed to be famous with its fresh water fish!

    expensive lunch

    The opportunity cost: the sunset cruise around the lake, with the serving of dubbed 'the best fish & chips in SEA'.

    We decided to forgo this plan because we trusted the staffs from the guesthouse. We believed they had suggested to us the best itinerary.

    supposed to go on this boat for the lake cruise

    Next destination: the Cambodian Cultural Village. I think we are going to spend a few hours there. Gonna sleep early and rest well for the expedition to Angkor site tomorrow.

    our tuk-tuk driver, Mr Trung, with a Python


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