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    17 October 2009

    An emotional letter

    I received this letter from a kid whom I've been sponsoring through World Vision. This wasn't the first time I got a letter from him. But somehow, I was a bit emotional after reading that letter. Reason? I've no idea.

    Singkawang, 28 Agustus 2009

    Yang terkasih bapak Adwin,

    Bagaimana kabarnya Pak? Semoga sehat-sehat saja ya. Kabar Parno sekeluarga sehat-sehat saja. Terima kasih Pak atas kiriman 5 buah perangkonya dan suratnya saya senang sekali menerimanya.

    Saat ini saya sedang menjalankan ibadah puasa hingga menjelang Lebaran nanti. Doakan saya ya Pak agar puasa saya lancar.

    Pak maafkan saya ya karena saya tinggal kelas akibat karena saya banyak bermain dan malas belajar tapi saya berjanji tahun depan saya pasti naik kelas.

    Salam dan hormat dari kami sekeluarga. Terima kasih.

    (name undisclosed)


    (the translation by the volunteer)

    Dear Mr Adwin,

    How are you? I hope you are healthy. My family and I are healthy. Thank you for sending me some postage stamps and letter. I was happy to receive it.

    Now I am in my fasting seasons and it will be finished until we are celebrating the Idul Fitri. Please pray for me to make my fasting finish.

    I'm sorry to let you down because I have to stay in the same grade; it is all because I played a lot and lazy to study. I will promise you that I will study hard so I can go to the next grade in the year 2010.

    Regard from my family and I. Thank you.

    Yeah, this was just a simple letter from a primary school kid. I've read it for a few times and had the same 'emo' feeling every time. Do you have an explanation for me?


    動 Orson said...

    sorry, m understand about the

    Kian said...



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