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    31 May 2009

    Every song tells a story - Pt 2

    If you are a modern folk, I'm sure you are more or less hooked to listening to music, be it classical or pop music. And I truly believe that there must be a few particular songs that you like them so much, probably because of the catchy melody or the lyrics.

    Of course, I'm just like anyone else, no different from you. Now, let me share with you of a few songs that could represent a certain period of my life.

    2003 Sheila on 7 - Seberapa Pantas (How appropriate)

    This song was once so popular among me and a few Warwickians. Out of no where, suddenly everyone fell in love with it. Even those who didn't normally listen to Malay / Indon songs tried to learn to sing the song too. What's the X-factor to this scenario? I guess it's because: music is the universal language!

    It was during my 1st Easter break in UK. The bunch of us that didn't go home stayed together at the hostel on campus. We saw everyone everyday, day to night. We joked, we ate, we played, we chilled out, ... we basically did everything together. I really miss those term breaks!

    This song could well be the milestone of me settling down in England and making new friends. We were just strangers about half a year ago. Slowly, I grew closer to everyone. I was glad that I did make friends in Warwick and I am grateful that we have been keeping in touch since I graduated.

    2004 陶喆 - 寂寞的季节
    David Tao - Ji Mo De Ji Jie (The Season of Loneliness)

    In the beginning of 2nd year, I bought back with me to UK a CD of David Tao. I was so into David Tao's music at that time. I had the CD played almost all the time in my room. Among all the other tracks, I like this song the most.

    Season of Loneliness. It sounds so down, doesn't it? Being away so far from home, family and best friends, more or less made me feel lonely sometime. Especially when I got back to my room and all by myself.

    Actually, I did enjoy such a moment; just a little bit though. It gave me the chance to think of the past and then reflect to the present. It brought to surprises unexpectedly - I could feel how much I had grown up and what were the new experiences I had come across. Nevertheless, spending fun time with friends is still always the best thing to do!

    28 May 2009

    Practical vs Dreamer

    Have u guys watched Sell Out! ?

    Personally, I would classify it as another great M'sian production. It's worth to pay for the movie tickets and you won't regret, really.

    Come to think about it, that was my first time watching a local musical film. (Maybe not; I'm not sure)

    I'm not a movie critic. So, I'm not going to discuss how good or how bad of the film. Well, I would just like to express what I felt and thought about after watching it.

    There was one scene in the movie that really caught me up in deep thinking. It was a live show and audiences were asked to send in sms to vote: to kill the 'Practicalist' or the 'Dreamer'.

    (The telco companies are always the winner!)

    After all the drama, the result was -- to kill the 'Dreamer'. The message was clear -- be practical and don't dream.


    Back in reality, shall we be practical and force ourselves to stay in the controlled boundary or have big dream and work to make it comes true?

    Ok. I know this is just another 'Chicken-or-eggs question'! But, there's no harm give it a thought right?

    First, let's answer this -- what is your dream or what are your dreams?

    Done? I think you've probably come out with a list -- what you want to achieve in the near future, aka 'dreams'.

    Good grades, prestigious colleges, well paid jobs, good wives / husbands, luxurious cars, big houses, etc...

    Next, ask yourself again. Are all that really your dreams? Or, just something you want to achieve on behalf of somebody or for somebody? Are you influenced to have all these dreams? Do you have reasons for all these?

    Take your time to think about this question. Be it a few seconds more; a few minutes more; a few hours; a few days; or any longer...... until you get the answer that convince to yourself ONLY.

    (I know it's a hard question. We are living in complicated world, aren't we? Human beings like to do thing in the hard way.)

    Congratulation! If you have the answers. If NO, don't worry! Just forget about it and get back to the reality and continue with your lives. Relax!

    For me, neither do I want to be the 'Practicalist' nor the 'Dreamer'. I just want to follow my spontaneous sense -- doing things as I like and as I wish, without much planning and resentment. Follow the heart.

    Of course, there's limit. Not to hurt anybody else nor bringing trouble to others.

    Dreaming BIG, dreaming too much makes me feel like a loser. It seems that it would take me forever to achieve them. Worse, I might not even have the chance to realise them.

    Stop dreaming! (Just like what the parents and teachers always tell the young ones!)

    Whereas, being practical stops me from enjoying my life. Aren't all these boring: doing thing within pre-set boundaries, taking no risks, dealing no uncertainties or blindly following others' path?

    We can do better than that! It's human instinct to face challenges and find a way out with it.

    So, just follow our heart. Go ahead to do whatever first appears in our mind. Reminder: be responsible and don't bring any trouble to others.

    (Ok, I'm going to do water rafting again. I'm going to learn to play the guitar. I'm going to start reading a new book.)

    I believe: living simply and ordinarily can be extra ordinary. I want to be another 陶渊明!采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。

    22 May 2009



    1月的某个周末:Jaya 1




    4月:Adeline's Rest House

    14 May 2009


    Who can be the ambassador of a pepper spray brand?

    Tak lain tak bukan. Kakak ni lah!

    It's a PEPPER SPRAY...
    No, it's a KEY CHAIN...
    No, it's a PENDRIVE

    Yes, it's a PEPPER SPRAY... after all

    I picked it up from the floor.
    I didn't know what is it.
    And I didn't know how to use it!

    08 May 2009

    7th May 2009 - another date to remember

    This was the consequence of not dissolving the State Assembly; and what every Perakians did not want to happen.

    Unfortunately, it did happen. And I would say that the biggest loser was none other than the Perakians. The power grabbing is, sadly, always comes before servicing the People.



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