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    19 February 2008

    Simple Number Theory

    I just visited my cousin's blog and found out about this youtube clip.

    I don't think anyone needs to have a Math / Stats degree to be able to understand the calculations. It's as easy as ABC. Any Std 1 students can do this simple summation. No deduction, no multiplication, no division, no percentage, no differentiation, no integration……

    It's disturbing. I'm officially a tax payer, and knowing that all the amount of taxes that I've contributed has not been spent wisely and put to good use. There is a large community of people live in poverty. The money wasted could have been channeled to help these poor people. Be it in the form of regular allowances or physical facilities.

    What a shame! I don't think I want to be fooled again. This is my first time exercising the responsibility of a citizen, to vote for the right candidates to lead the country. Or should I say, preventing any incapables from winning any seats in the election.

    Here's another youtube clip, which is fun to watch.

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