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    11 September 2007



    中秋节 @ Mid Autumn Festival (aka Mooncake Festival / Lantern Festival) is approaching soon. This year, it falls on 25th September. The main reason of why I like this festival so much, is not because of Mooncake (月饼) nor Lantern (灯笼). It's because my birthday is around this time. :-) Yes, I'm an Autumn kid!

    Well, I'm here to wish you Happy Mid Autumn Festival 中秋节快乐! I hope that you will be having great celebration with your love ones. Not celebrating? Nevermind. Enjoy the video below. It's a song about the Moon by BM Boys. You might not be able to understand the lyric, but remember that 'Music is the universal language!'


    Anonymous said...

    你好!我真得很感谢你,因为我以为在网上找不到山脚下男孩的歌曲mv了,可是在网上搜索后,来到了你的部落,也看到了《月亮圆》和《童年颂》。我好开心,因为我很喜欢这两首歌,尤其是《月亮圆》!^_^可惜没有《Kita Anak Malaysia》。。美关系啦,我真得很谢谢你!

    Anonymous said...

    do u know where still got selling this band album...

    i m willing to buy!!!

    a lot of memories inside...

    Kian said...

    try Tower Records or by contacting Follow Me Music, maybe they have the old stocks!

    Anonymous said...

    like their songs vey the others? nw, very difficult 2 find their songs oledi...


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