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    24 November 2007

    What a Mac!

    I'm using it to blog!

    My newly owned gadget - Apple iMac. I have been wanting to own this for a about a year; Googling the Net all the time to find out how other users comment about it. Of course, saving (financially) enough to get one was something to be planned.

    I was supposed to buy one in August during the PC fair. Not because of the cheaper price, but for the extra freebies. Hehe..... :p However, rumours from the Net said that Apple was going to upgrade the existing model. So I decided to wait and see. Few days later, the rumour turned out to be truth.

    Since there's not any stores in Ipoh selling Macs, I had to either moving North to Penang to buy one, or getting down to KL. I was once in Penang, but because of the tight schedule, I didn't have time to visit one of the stores.

    So, when I had the time to get down to KL to look for one, sadly, the cheapest model that I was looking was out-of-stock everywhere. I did actually call a few stores to check. Guessed it's just to popular and people just couldn't wait to own one.

    Until one week ago, a guy put up a post in forum, wanting to sell his iMac, exactly the same model I wanted. I contacted him and found out that he's just bought it for 5 days. 5 DAYS. No joke. His reason: would like to own an Apple Macbook Pro instead.

    RM4200, come with extra 1Gb Ram and Windows XP Pro (legal). What a good deal; since the list price for that particular model was RM4799. I made the decision and dealt.

    I went down to KL just to meet that guy, pay him and get this iMac back to Ipoh. If you happened to be in Mid Valley Megamall last Sunday, seeing someone carrying a bulky box, it's probably be me. :-)

    A+ for the display, speakers, built-in cam, Wi-fi, ...... It's just so much user friendlier than PCs. Everything is ready and nothing much I should worry about. I'm getting the hang of it. Now, I don't have to see the Windows for the whole day anymore. Windows for works; Mac at home. Nice.

    P/s: I'm RM4200 poorer now. I couldn't pay by Credit Card installment.... :(

    19 November 2007


    Stop envying others. Somewhere there is someone admiring you too.
    Just remember: You are the Best!



    12 November 2007

    MY FM, 我的稿费在哪里?

    2006年,庆祝天公诞的前一晚,在驱车前往祖屋的路途中,我在车里习惯性地收听着马来西亚最红的中文电台——MY Fm。突然,听到一把男声:“人生就像是一场保龄球赛……再次失败,或球洗沟?没关系,输送带会把保龄球再次送到你的身旁,让你从 新来过……技术球就像人生挑战,须靠经验去应付。大家好,我是吴克群。


    这不是我在blog(还有这里)里发表过的几段字吗?为什么会出现在MY Fm的广告时段,并由时下偶像念出来?






    ----- 20个月过后 -----

    2007年9月旬的某一个星期六,我如往常的驱车去用午餐。也像平时一样,收听着“马来西亚最高收听率的中文电台——MY Fm”的广播。朦胧地听到:“……在过程中所付出的,比最终的成果更为重要……不能太苛求,认为只有实现愿望才算是成功。我们最后所得到的,往往比原本的目标,更有价值……但任何一扇门都会带领我们到出路……大家好,我是蔡旻佑。


    不是吧!我部落格里的同一个entry又在我不被告知的情况下被引用了。又是MY Fm。


    人,真的需要目 标以求进步吗?若经历艰辛的过程后,目标还是未能达成,是否意味着只有失败与自己共舞?我想,在过程中所付出的,比最终的成果更为重要。有目标,才会使自己有动力,不得过且过。但是,自己并不能太苛求,认为只有实现愿望才算是成功。我们最后所得到的,往往比原本的目标,更有价值。虽然,在这过程的开始,往 往有异于自己的想象,但任何一扇门都会带领我们到出路。只要不怀失望、不灰心,按部就班地,一切都能迎刃而解!



    那现在我就当着某某人把我的文章‘投稿’到MY Fm。很幸运的,被选中了,可以on-air了!咦,稿费呢?

    08 November 2007


    30 Hour Famine again. But it's just a few pics update. Thanks to my fellow 'Group 219'mates for the pics supply.

    With our 'self-built - made in old newspaper' house

    On the stage

    30 hours? No big deal! We did it!

    What did we get? Cert + Cake + Soy Milk + Cereal Drink


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